- School Info
Homework Requests
Homework Requests
If your student is absent from school, homework should be requested directly from their teacher. You can email your student's teachers using the teacher's first initial and last name @eduhsd.net or from the Ponderosa website go to the 'Students' tab, then click on 'Teacher Websites'.
Makeup Work
Makeup Work
Two (2) school days will be allowed to make up each day's excused absence. Students absent for school-sponsored activities may be required by the teacher to make up the work before the absence. A student absent on the day of a test may be required to take the test on the day of his/her return. If the absence falls on the day an assignment is due, and the student had prior knowledge of the assignment, the student may be required to submit that assignment upon the day of his/her return. If sufficient make up time is not possible prior to the grading period, the teacher may issue and "I" (Incomplete) grade until such time as the work is completed. A maximum of four weeks after the grading period is allowed for such make up work. The student is responsible for arranging for make up work.
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes on a daily basis. Absence from class is excused for illness, medical appointments, and funerals for members of the immediate family. Other absences that are valid, with prior approval, include, court appearance, and educational activities. Absences that are not valid include cutting school, oversleeping, working, baby-sitting, DMV appointments, personal business and unverified illness. Consequences for violations will be administered. Parents may not excuse students to leave the classroom except for a valid appointment.
Absence Verification
Absence Verification
Reasons for student absences are to be verified by a phone call (530) 677-2281 ext. 1 or a note brought to the attendance office within 48 hours. Parents, doctors, or school officials may verify absences. Students, who have attained the age of eighteen years may verify their own absences. The school may request additional verification when deemed necessary. Absence verification should include the following information:
- first and last name of the student
- date(s) absent
- reason for the absence
- name and relationship of the person verifying the absence
Tardy and Unverified absences Policy
Tardy and Unverified absences Policy
In AERIES, T = Unexcused Tardy (less than 30 min late) to class
- When a student reaches 5 tardies across classes in a SEMESTER, the student will be assigned one lunch detention and parent/guardian will be notified via phone call/email.
- When a student reaches 10 tardies across all classes in a SEMESTER, the student will meet with an admin and will be assigned 3 lunch detentions and parent/guardian will be notified via phone call/email.
- Continued tardiness will result in progressive disciplinary action for defiance which may include additional detention or Saturday School, and may be referred to the Student Attendance Review Team (SART) and/or Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).
In AERIES, C = Class Cut/Truancy (absent from class without clearance by parent/guardian)
- At first offense, Student will receive a referral from attendance office; Parent will receive notification through parent square and student will be issued 1-3 lunch detentions in accordance with instructional time missed.
- At second offense, student will be issued a Saturday School and parent/guardian will be notified via phone/email.
- At third offense, SART contract may be initiated
In AERIES, U = Unverified Absence (unexcused absence) or B = Tardy (greater than 30 min late) to class
- 3 unverified absences will result in Truancy Letter #1 mailed to parent/guardian
- 6 unverified absences and/or attendance rate below 90% will result in conference with student/parent, Truancy Letter #2 mailed to parent/guardian and SART (Student Attendance Review Team) contract may be initiated.
- 9 unverified absences and/or attendance below 90% will result in Truancy Letter #3 mailed to parent/guardian, and student may be referred to SARB (Student Attendance Review Board)
Late Arrival
Late Arrival
Upon arriving, your student must check in at the Attendance Office window for a pass to class. Your student must have a note or you must have called ahead informing us why your student is late. Students arrive without notes or phone calls will be issued detention (s). Once the tardy has been verified, these detentions will be cleared.
Checking Out
Checking Out
When checking out, your student must come to the Attendance Office window with their note, before school, during break, or at lunch to obtain a pass The note must include the student's NAME, GRADE, TIME, DATE AND REASON for dismissal. Failing to check out properly will result in a referral with an assigned detention. After obtaining a pass, the student is considered to be "checked out" and can then leave campus at the time shown on the pass. Please note that calling us last minute requires us to find someone to physicall get your student from class. This can take 10 minutes or longer (if they are in PE) to get your student.
PONDEROSA HIGH SCHOOL IS A CLOSED CAMPUS. STUDENTS MAY NOT LEAVE CAMPUS DURING SCHOOL HOURS WITHOUT A PASS. If your student does not check out before leaving they will receive one hour of detention – no exceptions.
Attendance errors
Attendance errors
Minimum Attendance
Minimum Attendance
Good attendance is a prerequisite to satisfactory job performance. The same holds true for school. Class time missed cannot be fully replaced with make up assignments. Students who are absent, for any reason, more than 20 percent of the time should not expect to pass the class.
When a student has repeated absences for unacceptable reason, the student will be considered a "habitual truant". This may result in a referral to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB), or the filing of an application for petition with the El Dorado County Probation Department, or a complaint may be filed against the parent in the Justice Court. Habitual truancy constitutes grounds for an involuntary transfer to an alternative school.
Student Athletes
Student Athletes
Student athletes must attend over 50% of their school day on the day of a game or practice in order to participate. Athletes are expected to attend all classes and be prompt. Unexcused absences from classes during the season may result in forfeiture of practice or games.
Home & Hospital Teaching
Home & Hospital Teaching
Students who will be unable to attend school due to an illness or accident for an extended period of time (usually in excess of three weeks) should contact the Counseling Department to arrange for a home/hospital teacher.
Final Exams and Testing
Final Exams and Testing
During final exams and standardized testing we cannot interrupt classes to deliver passes. The ONLY way to check your student out of class during this time is to have them bring a note to the attendance office before class starts or during break.
Emergency Checkout
Emergency Checkout
For an emergency checkout, please call the Attendance Office (530) 677-2281 ext. 1. Please use this option ONLY IN AN EMERGENCY.