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Closed Campus & Visitor Policy



Closed Campus Policy

Ponderosa High School maintains a closed campus. Students may not leave campus between classes or during lunch or mid-morning break.  Students leaving campus without permission will be subject to appropriate school discipline.  Students will remain on campus throughout their scheduled school day with the following exceptions only:  

  • Students who check out through the school office for off-campus appointments or due to illness (prior parent/guardian permission is required)
  • A parent or legal guardian calls and speaks to the school office staff to excuse the student from school


The following closed campus rules and regulations are in effect:

  • The rights of property ownership are to be observed at all times; littering, loitering and trespassing is not permitted.
  • Loitering or sitting in vehicles in the school parking areas during breaks and lunch period is not permitted.
  • Smoking, use of illegal drugs, and consumption of alcohol are not permitted at any time on the school campus or in adjacent areas to the school.
The Closed Campus Policy extends to food delivery (DoorDash, Uber Eats, pizza delivery, etc.) at any time during the day.


Visitor Policy

All visitors, including parents/guardians, must sign in at the Principal’s office and receive

proper authorization to be in the school. Visitors will be given a visitor sticker to wear while on campus. Student visitors must have prior authorization from the principal or designee before entering the school site.


In general, unless pre-arranged, visitors are not authorized to visit classrooms, walk around campus, including the library, cafeteria, or theater, during the instructional school day, including before and directly after school hours. 


Off-campus coaches and advisers are pre-approved (district paperwork completed and filed) and fingerprinted by the district office.


Public Facility Use

Groups wishing to schedule PHS facilities may do so by contacting Administration office and requesting the appropriate application. For more information, or to request an application, please contact the school at 530-677-2281 ext. 2210, or at


Buildings and facilities are available to the community for the use of responsible organizations or groups of citizens when school is not in session.  Such permission and use shall not constitute an endorsement by the school district of any organization or group nor of the program, philosophies, goals or beliefs of any such organizations or groups or the expression of opinion regarding the nomination, retention, election or defeat of any candidate nor the expression of any opinion as to the passage or defeat of any issue. Users shall adhere to all school district regulations pertaining to the use of school facilities.

The Board of Education reserves the right to refuse approval or to cancel any permits issued for the use of a school building or its facilities when it is deemed that such action is necessary for the best interests of the school.