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Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements
Ponderosa High School
Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements
Class of 2025
Ponderosa High SchoolValedictorian/Salutatorian RequirementsClass of 2025
Ponderosa High School
Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements
Class of 2025
Valedictorian Requirements:
- Maintain good behavior and citizenship throughout high school including not being suspended from school for any reason.
- Earn the highest GPA in the graduating class calculated as follows:
The total weighted GPA will be based on 210 credits (the first seven semesters of high school at 30 credits per semester) including, six courses from the freshman year, six courses from the sophomore year, six courses from the junior year, and six courses from the first semester of the senior year. If the student took fewer courses in any given semester than the minimum noted above, a course from another semester will be used in which the student took more than the minimum, and provides the student with the highest number of grade points. If the student took more than the minimum number of courses noted above in any given year, the course grades that contribute the most grade points in each semester will be used to calculate the GPA. In the event of an exact tie in total weighted GPA, both students will be named valedictorians.
Salutatorian Requirements:
- Maintain good behavior and citizenship throughout high school including not being suspended from school for any reason.
- Earn the second highest GPA in the graduating class calculated as follows:
The total weighted GPA will be based on 210 credits (the first seven semesters of high school at 30 credits per semester) including, six courses from the freshman year, six courses from the sophomore year, six courses from the junior year, and six courses from the first semester of the senior year. If the student took fewer courses in any given semester than the minimum noted above, a course from another semester will be used in which the student took more than the minimum, and provides the student with the highest number of grade points. If the student took more than the minimum number of courses noted above in any given year, the course grades that contribute the most grade points in each semester will be used to calculate the GPA. In the event of an exact tie in total weighted GPA, both students will be named valedictorians.
Ponderosa High School
Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements
(Class of 2026 and beyond)
Ponderosa High SchoolValedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements(Class of 2026 and beyond)
Ponderosa High School
Valedictorian/Salutatorian Requirements
(Class of 2026 and beyond)
Valedictorian Requirements:
- Maintain good behavior and citizenship throughout high school including not being suspended from school for any reason.
- Take the CAASPP during the junior year and earn a score that meets or exceeds the state standard in English and math.
- Earn the highest GPA in the graduating class calculated as follows:
The total weighted GPA will be based on 210 credits (the first seven semesters of high school at 30 credits per semester) including six courses from the freshman year, six courses from the sophomore year, six courses from the junior year, and six courses from the first semester of the senior year. If the student took fewer courses in any given semester than the minimum noted above, a course from another semester will be used in which the student took more than the minimum and provides the student with the highest number of grade points. If the student took more than the minimum number of courses noted above in any given year, the course grades that contribute the most grade points in each semester will be used to calculate the GPA. In the event of an exact tie in total weighted GPA, both students will be named valedictorians.
Salutatorian Requirements:
- Maintain good behavior and citizenship throughout high school including not being suspended from school for any reason.
- Take the CAASPP during the junior year and earn a score that meets or exceeds the state standard in English and math.
- Earn the second highest GPA in the graduating class calculated as follows:
The total weighted GPA will be based on 210 credits (the first seven semesters of high school at 30 credits per semester) including six courses from the freshman year, six courses from the sophomore year, six courses from the junior year, and six courses from the first semester of the senior year. If the student took fewer courses in any given semester than the minimum noted above, a course from another semester will be used in which the student took more than the minimum and provides the student with the highest number of grade points. If the student took more than the minimum number of courses noted above in any given year, the course grades that contribute the most grade points in each semester will be used to calculate the GPA. In the event of an exact tie in total weighted GPA, both students will be named salutatorians.